Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to the drawing board

Okay... so, after I wrote my previous post...I told DH that I was done...
No more prenatals (just a vitamin that had all the goods, since we were still not going to go on birth control), no more coffee restrictions, no more just in cases....
DH sort of said alright.... knowing that I've said all of this before... I guess he didn't really understand that I was truly done - and trying to come to terms with the fact that we may never have children.
This was Thursday afternoon...

On Friday night I had a complete meltdown (after spending almost 3 hours with a pregnant acquaintance)... it really started when DH said some silly things - he doesn't understand that it's not a choice for me to think about it all the time... I don't choose any of the crazy that comes with TTC for over 2 years....
We had a long talk about why I feel the way I do and about the possibility of getting tested.... etc...

So - it is important to DH (and me, if I'm being honest) to keep trying and to not give up so easily, and to have faith that it will happen if we keep trying.
We decided that we will be giving it our all for 6 more months.... DH will be doing everything I'm doing too - trying to eat and drink right, BD every other day, the whole nine yards...

I think he finally sensed my exasperation and despair with the whole thing. He realized how much he wants a family (ideally 2 kids before we're 30) and how close I am to giving up on that dream...

So - here we go.... 6 months of eating all the fertility boosting foods, yoga, positive thinking, prayer, BD'ing, prenatal vitamins, caffeine restrictions, alcohol restrictions, hot shower restrictions, and who knows -- I may even through some basal temperature reading in there.... maybe!

Wish us luck...
I'm still going to try and find a balance - I realize that when we do fall pregnant and have a baby, many of things I've been trying to find the time to do, will go right out the window for 2+ years.... so we are still going to save for a trip home... and do all the things we love.

Hopefully the next 6 months will be fun...and not completely stress-filled and obsessive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping you get everything you want in within the next 6 months. *hugs*
